search results
Top 10 Chicago Winter Restaurants
By: Danielle Robertson It’s winter in Chicago. You’re cold. You’re hungry. You're not sure where to turn. We’ve all been there—ignore your instinct to stock up on mac n' cheese and go into hibernation. Instead, grab your friends, coworkers, or family members...
"You serve what??" Special Offerings from Zerocater
Lunchtime should be an experience. Food is meant to be enjoyed, and there is no reason you shouldn't explore your city's food scene. We help you do just that—even when you're still at the office. We enjoy sampling the best
The high price tag behind employee turnover
Think office snacks are expensive? Try paying a recruiter. Pool tables. Gym memberships. Health insurance. Office lunch. The modern benefits package comes with an ever-growing list of glamorous office perks—and each one comes with a price tag. The competition to attract top...
How to shape your company culture from the ground up
By: Eric Shangle “They’re a good culture fit. I like them,” is one of the most misconstrued phrases I hear as a Human Resources professional. Culture fit has very little to do with personality (contrary to what we’re typically told). Culture is...
How team lunch helps preserve Innovid’s familial culture
In a hectic workweek littered with deadlines, beta tests, and new launches; it’s easy to get lost in the chaos. Innovid, a video marketing platform based in New York City, operates in this fast-paced environment. Innovid places strong emphasis...
How team dinner helps fuel's rapid growth
Within the startup space, late nights at the office are not uncommon—some might call them expected. Deadlines to meet the next product release, API, or app upgrade will spur long hours well outside the nine to five. is one such...
How to get the most variety from Zerocater
One of the top requests we receive from clients is variety. Employees love when there’s something new on the menu: a restaurant they’ve never visited, a cuisine they’ve never sampled, or a new dish from a favorite vendor. So therein lies...
Stuck in the Happy Hour Rut? 5 Tips for Effective Team Bonding Activities
When planning team bonding activities, it’s easy to get stuck in the same old happy hour rut. The Friday happy hour is fun, but after months of doing the same thing, they stop having the same effect. Creating opportunities for employees...
The Importance of Eating Breakfast for Improved Productivity
Is there any truth to the claim that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? The simple answer is yes, eating first thing in the morning comes with many benefits. The word itself tells you everything you need...
10 Reasons To Host A Holiday Office Party
If you own a business, throwing a holiday office party should be a yearly standard offering. Surprised to hear it? While it may seem like a holiday bash is a frivolous use of company money, that couldn’t be further from the truth....
About Zerocater
Zerocater corporate catering and snacks services provide curated meals and snacks to companies for any office occasion. We partnered with a diverse range of local restaurants, caterers, and food trucks alongside a personalized selection of snacks, beverages, and kitchen supplies, all tailored to your teams’ tastes and dietary preferences. Zerocater is currently available in the San Francisco Bay Area, New York City, Los Angeles, Austin, Washington D.C. and Chicago.
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