A combination of sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and spicy flavors, pho has made its way overseas and continues to gain popularity in the U.S. In fact, you’ll likely find pho cropping up in restaurants near you—if it hasn’t already. While Pho isn’t a particularly complicated meal, there are a number of components and a sort of DIY approach with toppings like chili peppers, ginger, green onions, herbs, and lime wedges. And with long noodles and a big bowl of broth, pho pros enjoy their meal with chopsticks in one hand, and a shallow ceramic spoon in the other. Want to learn more? Check out the infographic below to find out what’s in most Pho recipes plus tips to enjoy it.
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About Zerocater
Zerocater corporate catering and snacks services provide curated meals and snacks to companies for any office occasion. We partnered with a diverse range of local restaurants, caterers, and food trucks alongside a personalized selection of snacks, beverages, and kitchen supplies, all tailored to your teams’ tastes and dietary preferences. Zerocater is currently available in the San Francisco Bay Area, New York City, Los Angeles, Austin, Washington D.C. and Chicago.
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